Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 8: Mouse Event Logging

The first thing I did this week was research Linux keyloggers. While there are many online, there are few open source solutions that offer the flexibility required for our project. In fact, I only found one source that provides a timestamp for each individual key pressed. I changed the script to store the data in a local log file that can be parsed later on.

For the rest of the week, I did a lot of research on Linux device event files in order to work on capturing mouse events. Unfortunately, the protocol for this OS service varies wildly depending on the Linux distro in question and I was unable to find a truly reliable source for working with the Ubuntu VM. I also refrained from investigating rootkits because I did not want to put my personal machine at risk. So far, my understanding is that a new input_event struct is written to the event file every time the given hardware device has a new event to report. The struct has the following format:

struct input_event {
struct timeval time;
__u16 type;
__u16 code;
__s32 value;

However, when I use programs that try to exploit this data formatting, the only field that ever changes is the timeval struct while the type, code, and value remain constant. The best option I could find for logging mouse events was the python bindings for evdev. Using this package to read /dev/input/event3, the mouse event file for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I am able to record mouse clicks with extremely precise timestamps. None of the deltas get recorded and the coordinates of the mouse when it is clicked are not logged either.

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